Togo Clean Water Program
In rural areas of Togo, access to water is very limited. Usually women and children travel miles away from the villages to fetch water from rivers and ponds to carry on their heads to their houses.
During the dry seasons, rivers dry and it takes even longer to fetch water. Women and girls use their hands, woods, stones, and other rudimentary tools to dig the river beds to get water.
To alleviate the water problem, villagers request support to dig traditional wells in the villages to reduce distances and have water during the dry season.
However, the governmental water and sanitation agency is discouraging the traditional water wells because the maintenance is complex and the potential for water contamination is high.
A new form of water project has emerged.
The new water project will consist of rehabilitating abandoned water manual pumps funded in the 1980’s by the U.S. Agency for International Development throughout the country.
The pumps were abandoned because some parts were broken. The parts were not available locally and U.S. manufacturers discontinued making the parts.
The new water project will consist of building a water tank, installing solar panels, and providing cleaner water at multiple water points. Each water project will benefit more than 2,000 people. Local volunteers will coordinate the project implementation.
Oregon Youth Leadership Program
Ovazu Foundation will support educational and cultural enrichment activities in the Togolese and African immigrant and refugees communities. Ovazu Foundation will foster multicultural community building activities in Portland or Oregon.
Togo Educational Support Program
In Togo, Ovazu Foundation provides funds and other assistance that will help underprivileged individuals and families unable to meet tuition expenses for their children. The Foundation provides other assistance and special awards such as school supplies to needy students in local colleges, high schools, and elementary schools, to support their educational endeavors. Ovazu Foundation also provides or funding for equipment, books, and supplies for schools and teachers in marginalized and remote rural areas.
Togo Health Support Program
The heath projects consist of providing funding for equipment and medical supplies to support village health care centers.