Welcome to our website! - Bienvenue !

Every child has basic education; every person has access to necessary medical treatment; everyone drinks clean water.

Ovazu Foundation works to help individuals and families in the United States and in Togo, West Africa, enhance their capacities to create productive, healthy, and joyful lives. In the United States, Ovazu Foundation begins its activities by building creative and leadership capacities in young people through the Arts. In Togo, Ovazu Foundation begins the focus of its activities on helping families to send or keep their children in schools until they graduate high school, a vocational training, earn a college degree. We are supporting communities to access clean water and basic healthcare. Ovazu Foundation receives operational support from local individual volunteers who coordinate the charitable activities.

Please check our "Donate" page to see our donation suggestions to our projects.

Thank you! - Merci

Dr. Koffi Dessou, Executive Director


  1. Dr. Koffi Dessou, Executive Director

  2. Lori Shippy, Chair

  3. Michael Anderson, Secretary

  4. Adhyavu Dessou, Vice-Chair

  5. Massan Alinon-Dessou, Treasurer

  6. Kodzo Raphael Toku, Board Member

  7. Chiao-Yun (Anny) Hsiao, Board Member